City of Pittsburgh

Jeremiah's Place provides free 24 hour emergency childcare for children birth to 6 years of age for a few hours or a few days based on the needs of the child.

HACP plays a vital role in providing housing opportunities in the City of Pittsburgh. HACP manages several thousand housing units in community settings, high rises and scattered sites around the City. Additionally, many privately owned housing units are provided through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Thank you for visiting our 311 Response Center webpage! We are happy to help with any non-emergency City of Pittsburgh concerns or questions.

Our mission is to inspire and equip Pittsburgh area families and communities to resolve poverty and thrive. We believe no one should live in poverty. Families and communities can take charge of their destinies. And if given the right tools and support, economic stability can be achieved.

is a Southwestern Pennsylvania based nonprofit that serves our community through a number of programs centered on the provision of decent, safe, and affordable housing

Our organizational structure impacts the positive growth and development of families, our clients and the community in their everyday lives. We are not simply a provider of services – rather our organization strives to maintain a culture, which is dedicated to fostering positive change for individuals and families. We want to be the difference to make the difference.

Enabling African-Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights.

EECM provides the necessities of life: a hot meal, a safe, place to sleep, food for the family.

(CEC) are part of the University’s Neighborhood Commitments, an effort to build stronger communities and a stronger University through long-term partnerships in select city neighborhoods.
Allegheny County

At Touching Families, we are concerned about you and the health of our community. If you or your family need resources or support as a result of COVID-19, call your friends at Touching Families at 412.461.3383

The Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) offers professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service to enable residents to address their financial challenges and needs and plan for their futures.

Literacy Pittsburgh offers literacy programs for adults and families in Allegheny County and Beaver County. Last year, more than 5,100 people in the Greater Pittsburgh area improved their reading, writing, math, English language, computer and workplace skills.

PA 2‑1‑1 Southwest is part of the national 2‑1‑1 Call Centers initiative that seeks to provide an easy-to-remember telephone number and web resource for finding health and human services– for everyday needs and in crisis situations.

Community Living And Support Services (CLASS), originally chartered as UCP of Pittsburgh, serves adults with disabilities in western Pennsylvania.

Special Needs Support

Allegheny Family Network supports and partners with families rearing children who have emotional and mental health needs in order to improve their quality of life.

Center For Victims is a community based nonprofit organization and the largest, most comprehensive, inclusive provider of services, advocacy, and education for victims of all crime in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Serving Allegheny County and the Greater Pittsburgh region, CV’s mission is “Healing Trauma, supporting victims, and creating social change for a more peaceful community.” Our goal is to break the cycle of violence in our communities.

We address hunger in Allegheny County at its root – economic injustice – through a focus on public policy, food access, and community power.
Local Housing

McCormack Baron Salazar is the nation’s leading for-profit developer, manager and asset manager of economically-integrated urban neighborhoods.

Keith B. Key Enterprises is a real estate development corporation that was founded with a spirit of leadership and one objective: to create and design communities that change lives.

HACP plays a vital role in providing housing opportunities in the City of Pittsburgh. HACP manages several thousand housing units in community settings, high rises and scattered sites around the City. Additionally, many privately owned housing units are provided through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Faith Based

We are committed to continue providing virtual services. Please contact us for more information and to find out how we can help you: (PA CareerLink Pittsburgh, Downtown location) (PA CareerLink Allegheny East, Forest Hills location)

New Century Careers has developed programs to aid manufacturers, large and small, in our area by training individuals and subsidizing various facets of future, pre-employment and current employment training and certification processes.